Blacklock Platform Updates - March 2022

March 2, 2022

At Blacklock, we're always looking for new ways to simplify and deliver the best solutions for our customers. With this in mind, we’ve recently released some significant upgrades to our offerings, after listening to your feedback and support. We hope they’ll make a big difference when focusing on your security needs, so take a look!

The updates are primarily related to the increased automation in our scanning capabilities, provide greater control to customers over penetration tests and save penetration test costs.

  • 14-day Free Trial. By taking advantage of our new 14-day trial, you can perform one vulnerability scan on any target of your choice for free. The trial also includes an expert verification of identified vulnerabilities, real-time delivery, and an actionable report that you can download. Plus, you get full access to the Blacklock portal, which gives you a great feel of our platform. All you need to do is provide your full name, phone number, email address, company name, and country to get started.
  • Start Your Scan. A highlight of our PTaaS service is that it lets customers take control of their pentesting schedule. Our new Start Scan Button makes this a whole lot easier, as it lets you initiate a penetration test at your leisure with one click. No more time will be wasted waiting for the pentesters to take charge, so you can attend to your vulnerabilities at greater speed.
  • Scan Engine Upgrades. Our AI-powered scan engine uses licensed and open-source tools to identify both network-layer and application-layer vulnerabilities. We’ve now expanded its capability to cover authenticated web applications and make real-time vulnerability reports, so you can expand your scanning capabilities and receive your final report faster. It includes access to two reports for each scan, as well as a developer and management report.
  • Continuous Vulnerability Scanning. You can now schedule your scans for continuous scanning and assurance purposes (monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly). This gives you more options to perform regular scans ahead of time, so you can be more organized. Plus, our on-demand automated vulnerability scanning lets you request scans at any time, giving you greater control.
  • Simplified Billing & Subscription Model. In addition to our one-off payment system, we now offer monthly and annual subscription plans that include manual validation. The annual plan comes with 2 manual validations, which provide expert manual testing, false positive removal and feedback on your overall security posture. Each one can be performed on a half-yearly basis. Plus, you get unlimited, on-demand and scheduled automated vulnerability scanning.
  • If you’d like to secure your internet-facing assets in a cost-effective and efficient way, then get in touch about our 14-day free trial. Our service combines automation with manual penetration testing, so you can reap the benefits of both automation and expertise.

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